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I provide my students with a variety of measuring devices and encourage them to measure objects in the classroom. I also assign students the task of measuring a list of objects around the school using a variety of standard units so they can, for example, relate inches to feet and centimeters to meters or millimeters. In addition, I like to give students linking cubes so they can construct their own measuring devices so they can develop estimating skills. I have my students use tape measures to measure each others bodies. Each student works with a partner to measure around each others head, neck, waist and knees. Its hands on measurement fun!The most effective way Ive found of teaching multiplication is to have students sing their multiples. For example, we sing multiples of 7 to the tune Happy Birthday and multiples of 9 to Star Spangled Banner. This idea really works!Long after theyve left my class, students tend to remember the songs and continue singing them. When teaching time, I draw a large clock face without hands on the whiteboard. I then place a stepstool in front of the board and have the kids take turns standing on the stool and using their arms as the hour and minute hands. To determine a particular time I want the students to represent, I either randomly select cards printed with different times from a bowl or ask students to depict specific times, i.

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Sam Maloof 1916 2009, Rocking Chair, 1990, approx 48" x 22" x 36"; handmade of wood to carefully fit and support the human body in all its types, from large to small, tall to short, and skinny to plump. Collection of Randall and Carol Edmonson. 2. Designer unknown, Folding chair, c. 1987, 33" x 14" x 17. 5"; hand assembled of machine made parts wood, metal, paint, and rubber and designed to look sleek and modern at the expense of human comfort.

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This vital role that argument writing holds in a students future academic achievement is further supported by Hillocks 2010 who in Teaching Argument for Critical Thinking and Writing: An Introduction asserts that argument is at the heart of critical thinking and academic discourse, the kind of writing students need to know for success in college p. 24 25. Beach, R. , Thein, A. H. , Webb, A. 2012. Teaching to exceed the English Language Arts Common Core Standards: A literacy practices approach for 6 12 classrooms. New York: Routledge. Hillocks, G. 2010.

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I would not argue there shouldn't be teacher's unions, but I would ask that teacher's unions acknowledge that bad teachers exist and they do hurt children. Most teachers are good, but if you assume all are good, you give carte blanche to all to feel it's OK to take a day off when not necessary, which hurts kids with subs, or protect bad teachers, which hurts kids in obvious ways. We should fight I would not argue there shouldnt be teachers unions, but I would ask that teachers unions acknowledge that bad teachers exist and they do hurt children. Most teachers are good, but if you assume all are good, you give carte blanche to all to feel its OK to take a day off when not necessary, which hurts kids with subs, or protect bad teachers, which hurts kids in obvious ways. We should fight for more money going to schools, more tutoring, and more of a priority being placed on all children studying hard and striving. We need to close the achievement gap and give all kids a chance and unions should fight for that. But it does make me sad when teachers unions pretend there are no bad teachers. No one could pass a lie detector test that they believe it is not unreasonably difficult to fire a bad teacher. They always start by talking about no due process, when there are 5 rounds of it. They never propose a middle ground, just bring up a nightmare scenario of arbitrary principals firing people for the hell of it. They lose me, as a parent, when they dont show concern about the effects of unnecessary absences and poor teachers.

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But assessments of early childhood programs tend to take a kitchen sink approach. Does the program improve behaviors?What about test scores?Are the children happier?Healthier?More focused?How are their body mass indexes?When the RAND team looked at every child outcome in every study of the 115 programsmore than 3,000 measured outcomes in allthey found that 29 percent showed convincing evidence of improvement. Most of the rest were what statisticians call null, meaning there wasn't enough evidence to say one way or the other. That's a winning percentage given the sheer range of outcomes measured, the researchers saidabout six times higher than random chance alone. It doesn't mean that everything will turn to gold, said study lead author Jill Cannon, a senior policy researcher at RAND. But the evidence base is only growing stronger that if you're a policymaker and you invest in these early childhood programs, it's likely to pay off. In fact, the researchers found that returns of $2 to $4 were typical for every dollar invested in early childhood programs. That number, though, comes with an asterisk. Very few of the programs had gone through a formal cost benefit analysis, and even those that did struggled to pin dollar values on social benefits like school readiness or emotional development. Critics of government funded preschool programs often point to a phenomenon known as fadeout. Some studies have found higher test scores among children in pre K programsbut have also found those advantages fade to nothing as the children move into grade school and other students catch up.

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