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Pocket money for the backpackers, sunshine included!I have also worked as a teacher in both Thailand and China but as far as teaching I would pick China over Thailand any day. As far as personal or social life I would pick Thailand over China any day. As far as the visa process in Thailand everyone I know including myself had to leave the country to go from a tourist visa to a non B visa so I really do not know how you did it without leaving the country and the process was not very easy at all as most of the times the schools do not know what they are doing. Also as far as students I found Thai students to be very undisciplined and having to constantly deal with behavior issues, I had none of those issues with Chines students, I would rarely even have to raise my voice but when I did that was it then no more problems. But of course China is a huge country so it depends where you are teaching but after my experience in China I would never teach again in Thailand but China as a culture was too bland for me liking so I am no longer teaching there. My next stop is teaching in Taiwan probably the most under rated country in Asia but has a lot going for it in many ways. Plus I find them to be the most helpful, friendliest people in Asia. Once again, I must point out that there is no such thing as a 'work visa' in Thailand. You are given a one year extension of your existing non B visa by Thai immigration once you get all your shit together as regards work permit and teacher's licence. Have a question about health or travel insurance in Thailand?Ricky Batten from Pacific Prime is Ajarn's resident expert. What are the most common mistakes that teachers make when they are about to embark on a teaching career in Thailand?We've got them all covered.

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