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As its for thinking, youre also using it when youre learning all those super cool things at school, or when youre learning all these great facts about the brain that were teaching you now. Next comes the cerebellum which is also a very important part of your brain. It controls your balance, so without it youd be falling all over the place. You could look a bit strange being so wobbly!Now onto the brain stema small but mighty force to be reckoned with!The brain stem controls all your muscles that you dont need to think about, like breathing, keeping your heart pumping and even telling your stomach to digest the food you eat. Luckily its there to keep our bodies doing what theyre meant to do, without us even knowing about it!Imagine trying to sort and organize all that informationway too much for us, but a breeze for our brains. Theres a little area in the brain called the amygdala, and its about the size of a walnut. This helps us to understand how people are feeling by just looking at them. Wow, a walnut sized bit of brain can do that. Of course this super powered organ needs some protection, and that protection is the skull. Its made up of 22 bones that are all joined together to keep it safe and sound. The brain is actually also surrounded by fluid, which means it kind of floats in the liquid.

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It's just basic morals to not miss a day Don, to me its just basic morals. If your profession is education and you know it hurts kids when theres a sub, you dont consider it a benefit, you only take a personal day or sick day if you are presented with a unique situation or theres no other choice. My kids always say everything is on hold when they have a sub. Its just basic morals to not miss a day of work if you can avoid it. I understand if its a wedding or a big event, but you have Summer, Winter and Spring Break, I think a reasonable effort to be there every day possible is in order as a basic moral imperative. How can teachers push kids to make the moral decision of studying long hours, weekends, doing homework, paying attention, if they dont perform their job in the most moral manner possible?When we have days of spike absences near holidays, its a bad example for children who will grow up to feel its OK to pretend to be sick to relax or interview for another job, etc. Its just not right. Floyd, do you remember that SF teacher who daily wrote in on my blog and talked about how she took time off of work so she could do another part time job and how she promoted the idea that everyone should take off the maximum number of allowable sick and personal days under the contract?Or the teacher of you're child who missed over a 100 days of school and could be seen hanging Floyd, do you remember that SF teacher who daily wrote in on my blog and talked about how she took time off of work so she could do another part time job and how she promoted the idea that everyone should take off the maximum number of allowable sick and personal days under the contract?Or the teacher of youre child who missed over a 100 days of school and could be seen hanging out at cafes in the neighborhood?Well, I hardly need to remind you. It is a sickening subject and as you can see there are lots of people who have no problem with the abuse of public dollars and playing hookie. Then they talk about morals. For example, Gary just made a case that suspending the STSR accrual of sick time was a bad idea because it resulted in a lot teachers using the time just before they retired and admitted that it had negative consequences.

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In fact, recess can yield numerous benefits to an elementary school's overall climate, said Milbrey McLaughlin, the David Jacks Professor of Education and Public Policy, Emerita, founding director of Stanford's John W. Gardner Center, and a co author of the journal article. "Positive school climate has been linked to a host of favorable student outcomes, from attendance to achievement," the study noted. In an interview, McLaughlin said, "Recess isn't normally considered part of school climate, and often is shortchanged in tight fiscal times, but our research shows that can be a critical contributor to positive school climate in low income elementary schools. "McLaughlin's co authors are Rebecca London lead author, formerly of Stanford and now a researcher at UC Santa Cruz; Lisa Westrich, a former Stanford research and policy analyst; and Katie Stokes Guinan, a former Stanford graduate student researcher. A positive school climate has been linked to a host of favorable student outcomes, from attendance to achievement, according to the study. It includes four key elements for students physical and emotional safety at school; positive relationships with peers and adults; support for learning; and an institutional environment that fosters school connectedness and engagement. For example, the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights recognizes the right of all children to play, regarding it as an essential part of their well being, especially for the economically disadvantaged. And the state of California now includes school climate as one of eight priority areas for local education agencies. The American Academy of Pediatrics has outlined a set of guidelines intended to help schools develop positive recess programs guidelines necessary because recess today does not always meet these standards, according to McLaughlin and her co authors. Many schools had cut back recess programs watering down their effectiveness, or eliminated them altogether.

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Natural cure for halitosis is home remedy for cure your halitosis and to solve to end the problem. Its more popular now because it has been proved by many people that home remedy can cure halitosis naturally to the end of problem with no dangerous side effect and stop for coming back to you. If you concern about having halitosis, there are some helpful tips about natural cure for halitosis, using home remedy to prevent or cure your halitosis or bad breath. Choice the right mouthwash product. Avoid mouthwash rinses product that containing alcohol, it can make worse halitosis. Dip your tooth brush into baking soda and brush your teeth using that and then rinse with water. Baking soda is great remedy for halitosis. It changes the pH in your mouth and makes it a less friendly environment for many bacteria in your mouth. Oranges and lemons citrus fruits are very good at stimulating saliva and help to suppress the activity of some odor causing enzymes. Mixed half a lemon with warm water and then rinse your mouth using the mixture. Food with a well balanced diet consisting of more carbohydrates, fruits, vegetables and whole grains can help to get rid of halitosisThere are some helpful tips about natural cure for halitosis.

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2003. Irecently went to a college that didnt give me the skills needed to engage in a full time job. I found out that I have cancer, after the loss of our 37 year old son to brain cancer in august of 2011. I currently have two associates degrees. one in criminal justice, the other as a medical assistant. I would dearly to be a nurse. I helping others. I dont know, without some help how i could ever realize my dream and help our family. Is there anyone who can assist me?Thank you so much. Hi. I am a Tanzanian man, a fist year student of medical school, studying at International Medical and Technological university.

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